We are a provider ofdriving training services based in Zhumadian City, Henan Province, the PeoplesRepublic of China, offering extensive driving courses for preparation forvehicles driving tests organised by the Vehicles Management Office of theTraffic Management Department of the Ministry of Public Security.
We offer courses on:
1. Driving Skill Written Test;
2. On-site Driving Test;
3. On-road Driving Test; and
4. Road Safety WrittenTest
We provide driving trainingservices for preparation for the driving tests of vehicles through our twodriving schools, namely, 遂平县顺达驾校(“Shun Da School”) and 驻马店通泰驾校(“Tong Tai School”). For furtherinformation in relation to Shun Da School, Tong Tai School and our drivingcourses, please refer to “Our Services ”
1. 驾驶技能笔试;
2. 现场驾驶考试;
3. 路考;及
4. 道路安全笔试